英会話カフェ T-Place








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Staff スタッフ紹介



出身国 ブータン
趣味 テニス、水泳、読書、著作、映画&テレビ鑑賞
お気に入り 海に行くこと、川沿いや公園でのピクニック


Home country:

Tennis, swimming, reading and writing, going to the beach, enjoying a picnic by the riverside or in a park, watching movies/TV etc..

Things I like about Japan:
Kind and polite people, cleanliness, safety, rich culture and history.

How long I'm staying in Japan:
I have been here since April 2005. My plan is to stay here till I graduate from my university in September 2010.

Things I like about T-Place:
We get to listen to the ideas, experiences and life stories of many people. In the process, we not only improve our English, but we also develop a better understanding and appreciation of other people, their life and their culture.

Message to customer:
If you are learning to speak English, I would like to tell you that there is no need to feel shy. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. At T-Place, we always respect your efforts and give you support and encouragement. If you can maintain the motivation and consistency, the day when your dream of speaking English fluently would come true won't be too far away. Let us share our ideas and experiences by talking in English. Thank you!