Home country:
Running, swimming, table tennis (ping pong), badminton, reading, outdoor photography, travel, etc.
Things I like about Japan:
Neatness; beautiful natural environment; well-preserved ancient architecture of Tang’ style (Kinkakuji, etc.); culture heritage; excellent infrastructure (the Shinkansen, High speed internet network, etc.); environmental awareness of the public (garbage classification & recycling, etc.); hardworking people; high coverage ratio of medical insurance.
How long I am staying in Japan:
To be honest, just one month. (as of 10/2009)
Things I like about T-Place:
It's a nice place with a nice view to enjoy coffee, tea, snacks, etc. Most importantly, we can enjoy communication & exchanging ideas with a variety of nice, friendly, thoughtful, open-minded Japanese people as well as people from all over the world with a variety of cultural backgrounds.
Message to customer:
Just come, relax, communicate, enjoy English and have fun.