英会話カフェ T-Place








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Staff スタッフ紹介


出身国 アメリカ
趣味 読書、水泳、ゲーム、若者達との外出等
お気に入り 読書、食べること、お酒を飲むこと、寝ること等


Home country:

Reading, writing, biking, swimming, wrestling. video games & hanging out with young people

Favorite Things:
Reading a good book, eating fish or lobster, drinking sake or red wine, sleeping in late, good conversation, and long steaming hot baths

Things I like about Japan:
I love its ancient history, beautiful and complex language, appetizing food, excellent transportation system, general cleanliness, peacefulness, its affinity to nature, the strong influence of Buddhism in the culture, and the people are the kindest and most generous I have ever met in the world.

How long I am staying in Japan:
If I am able, I would like to spend the rest of my life here.

Things I like about T-Place:
Tony is a very intelligent, entertaining, relaxed and generous man to work for, and I enjoy the warmth and ambiance of his place. I am a people person, and I find T-place to be a most comfortable and pleasant place to meet and talk with people. The green tea is delicious and the company is always top notch.

Other Information: I have traveled all over the world, and lived in Brazil, Europe, and throughout America, but I think Japan is the most pleasant, peaceful, and comfortable place I have ever lived. I am very interested in making roots here, and becoming a full time English instructor. I feel privileged to be able to help you in any way I can, from helping you to write a letter in grammatically sound English, helping you out with pronunciation, or simply chatting and sharing experiences about life and different cultures.

Message to customer:
I am happy to be able to meet the customers of T-Place, and look forward to many fun and interesting conversations with you!