英会話カフェ T-Place








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Staff スタッフ紹介



出身国 ギニア
趣味 読書、絵、音楽鑑賞、映画鑑賞、サッカー、ダンス
お気に入り 人々と考えの共有、山や海、博物館などに出かけること


Home Country:

Reading books, drawing listening to music and playing football. I also like Watching movie and dance.

Favorite Things:
I like sharing ideas with people, going to places such as museum,mountain and ocean.

Things I like about Japan:
Those ones are so many but please let's me enumerate some, what concerns me is that some of the most attractive qualities of japan : culture, modesty, politeness, thinking about other people's feeling before you say something. I think these values are weakening in Japan. The foods are healthy, when the healthiest cuisine in the world are listed, the japanese cuisine is on the top. I found japanese language very interesting such as I would like to learn more up to the advance level. In japan almost everything is very convenient people are so good and the country is very safe, you can go to buy things at anytime you want. Japan is the kind of country many people would like to live for ever. I would like to build something great with japan in future.

How long I am staying in Japan:
Probably about 4 years starting April 2014.

Things I like about T-Place:
Every you you feel you are in your own house, Is an amazing place for cheating with japanese though some japanese still don't know the place. So let's let them know there is amazing place called T and with he's Owner Mr. Tony

Message to customers:
Please don't hesitate even for one second because you will find amazing people and some of them will be Cisse who will make you fell as if you are talking to one of your friend.