英会話カフェ T-Place








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Staff スタッフ紹介


出身国 フィリピン
趣味 写真、ビデオ、登山、楽器演奏、作詞作曲、詩、コスプレ
お気に入り そよ風にあたりながら夜空を眺めること、友達を驚かせるようなものを買うこと等

Hanzel Claire Villarosa Declaro

Home country:

Photography,videography, mountaineering, instruments, writings musics, poetry and cosplaying!

Favorite things:
I love relaxing in mild breeze, gazing at stars on night, buying surprise gifts to the people I love, explore and learn about curiosity in life and road trip with friends!

Things I like about Japan:
Japan is a very special place. I met people with such a hospitality and kindness that it touched my heart. I like how this country respect for their time and having great discipline. I also like Japan’s fashion and 4 seasons!

How long I'm staying in Japan:
I’ve been living here for almost 3years!

Things I like about T-Place:
T-Place is a must. it creates social change. It’s like giving chance to Japanese people to express theirselves in english. And also by learning of different point of view and perspective from the staffs who work at T-Place!

Message to customer:
Hiii! I’m your new staff, come to t-place and let’s have a great talk. Share your skills, activities and hobbies. I’d love to hear your experiences!

I have a happy personality and good sense of humor which I uses to create friendly, buzzing atmosphere for the people around me!