英会話カフェ T-Place








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出身国 クロアチア
趣味 映画・アニメ鑑賞、読書、漫画、旅行、新しいことを試みること
お気に入り コーヒー、友達とのお出かけ、旅行(特に行ったことのない所への探索、もちろん印象に残った所への再訪問も!)

Kim Knezic

Home country:

Watching movies and anime, reading books and manga, travelling and trying new things!

Favorite things:
Drinking coffee, hanging out with friends and going on trips(I love discovering new places as well as revisiting others that left an impression on me)!

Things I like about Japan:
The food is amazing, Japan is clean, the people are very friendly and nice, it has gorgeous nature and a rich history and culture. I love how the technologically advanced merges with old traditions!

How long I'm staying in Japan:
I came to Japan for the first time on September 25th and will leave at the end of August 2020!

Things I like about T-Place:
It is a wonderful international environment for making friends and learning a lot without stress!

Message to customer:
Come to T-Place, make friends, improve your English and connect with the world!

I hope to learn more about Japan and Tokushima, as well as the Japanese language and Awa-ben!