英会話カフェ T-Place








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Staff スタッフ紹介



出身国 アメリカ
趣味 携帯いじり、コンピューター、聖書、映画・アニメ鑑賞(さらにそれぞれのリストを作成すること)、人々と楽しい時間を過ごす
お気に入り 主神様、教会、聖書、自分の家族と愛する人、日本、隣人を手伝うこと、子供、動物、ヒックとドラゴン、ポケモン、好きなビデオゲーム、映画、音楽(特にクリスチャンと邦楽と楽器の種類)、冒険、旅行、そして今は多分忘れていること


Home country:

Playing on my phone, using my computer, reading the Bible, watching movies and animated series (and cataloging them...yes, I am a nerd), and having fun time and conversations with people!

Favorite things:
God, church, the Bible, my family and loved ones, Japan, helping others, kids, animals, How To Train Your Dragon, Pokemon, my favorite video games, movies, music (Christian, Japanese, and orchestrated, in particular!), adventure, traveling, and other things I`m probably forgetting right now!

Things I like about Japan:
The people most of all! I also love the culture, the language, the food...it`d be easier to try to find the things I don`t like about Japan! ;-)

How long I'm staying in Japan:
At least one year, but hopefully for the rest of my life!

Things I like about T-Place:
The people, the friendly and relaxed atmosphere, the openness, the covenience, and the easy adaptability

Message to customer:
Hi! Nice to meet you all! I come from Aurora, Colorado, United States of America. I am a devoted Christian and nothing is more important to me than God, to whom I give the glory for everything. I had dreamed of coming to Japan for more than 10 years, and now that dream is finally a reality. I love Japan dearly and it is where my heart is. I am so gratful to Tony (now my boss) and Mary (now my co-worker) for all of the help they`ve given me even from the very beginning. I am excited to get to know each one of you and help you more and more to learn the great language of English! Please feel free to ask me ANYTHING! :-)