Kelekolio Maka
Home country:
Playing Music and Bodybuilding
Favorite Things:
My Bible and My Ukulele. I have also lived in New Zealand, Hawaii and California so I like talking about those places too!
Things I like about Japan:
It is very safe for our children. The food is very healthy.
How long I am staying in Japan:
I have been in Japan since 2007; however, I went back to Tonga and New Zealand for about 9 months last year.
Things I like about T-Place:
I love talking about my culture and country. That takes away my homesickness!
Other Things:
I have an American wife who is a children's English Teacher. We have 3 children, all boys, ages 11, 9 and 6 and they have attended Japanese Elementary and Kindergarten for the past 5 years our family has been in Japan. We often perform together on stage. I hope I will get the chance to play my ukulele for you!
Message to customers:
I am looking forward to meeting everyone at T-Place! Please come and talk with me and you can learn lots about Polynesia. I love finding English speaking Japanese people to talk with!